Friday, December 15, 2017

                                           Class Evaluation

What I like about the class is a fun class. Another thing I like about this class is we do thing that will help me in the future for example doing the life planning goals it helps because you plan ahead of yourself. Another thing we do is coding it can be important on what job field you go into and it helps use learn new thing.

Friday, November 3, 2017

                              Innovation Of Electric Vehicles

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

       The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 

Habit 1: Be Proactive 
Image result for proactiveIts good to be proactive because it shows that you are welling to do good thing and being active a lot and not just being lazy at home. Another way to be proactive is being a CTR person and not choosing the wrong and not hanging out with friends that will bring trouble to you.
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  Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
Controlling your own destiny is the best because you could follow your own path then rather then letting someone else doing it for you. 
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Habit 3: Put First Things First
Put your important thing fist is important because it shows that you are a responsible person and a good minded.

Habit 4: Think Win-Win
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If you always win you will always be on top of everybody and not be let behind. Wining is a great thing to happen you feel good about your self and what you have accomplished.
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Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood
If you seek what you want to accomplish you will always do good in life and never be left behind.

Habit 6: Synergize
Some thing are hard to reach and accomplish them. The only way to accomplish them is putting in the hard work and never giving up.`

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Habit 7:   Sharpen the Saw
If you sharpen your skills you will accomplish many thing like be a good person or be successful in life.

Monday, October 30, 2017

                 Importance of Setting Goals
Its good setting goals for yourself because it will always push you and remind you about what you want to accomplish for your self like being a good person and showing respect to others or maybe you want to travel around the world but in order to do that you have to set goals for your self to always remind you what you want to do and never forget. Never give up and always move up never say you can not do it, always say I'm going to do it.Related image

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Image result for harvard universityThe Harvard Medical School community is dedicated to excellence and leadership in medicine, education, research and clinical care. To achieve our highest aspirations, and to ensure the success of all members of our community, we value and promote common ideals that center on collaboration and service, diversity, respect, integrity and accountability, lifelong learning, and wellness and balance. To be a citizen of this community means embracing a collegial spirit that fosters inclusion and promotes achievement

Friday, October 20, 2017

LA Dodgers

                                               Los Angeles Dodgers       
Image result for los angeles dodgers world series
         I am happy for the Dodgers because they finally made it to the world series. It took them 29 years for them to finally make it to the world series lots of people got emotional because they finally get to see their best team make it to the finals.    

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Six Rules to Make People Like you. If you want people to like you.........

Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in other people
Its good becoming genuinely interested in other people because you will be a better person and feel good about yourself.

Rule 2: Smile 
Its good to have a smile in your face because it shows you are a good person and it make you feel good about yourself because you feel clean and positive.

Rule 3:  Remember names:
Its good remembering names because it shows that you know the person and a responsible person.

Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves:
Its good being good listener because you show respect at the person who is talking to you and not ignoring them. Always encourage people because you might of save a person from a depression or they needed someone to talk.

Rule 5: Talk in terms of the other man's interest.
Being a good person is good because it show how loyal you are and how respectful you are as a person.

Rule 6: Make the other person feel important--and do it sincerely
Making a person or a friend feel important about them selves is a good leader to them because you make them feel that their somebody important.

Reflection: All the six rule are very important because these are the rules that make you a better person in life for example being nice to people will bring you happiness and it will make you feel good about your self. Following these six rules would make you a CTR person.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

                                                         Freelance Post

What happen in Las Vegas shocked me because i never knew that someone would do that to so many people. One reason I feel bad is because the people that died or got injured have to suffer lots of pain and had to suffer. R.I.P to all the people that died and hope they be in a better place. Hope for the best for the people that got injured.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Health Care

                                       Health Care
Radiation Therapistthe treatment of disease, especially cancer, using X-rays or similar forms of radiation.

Speech Therapist: training to help people with speech and language problems to speak more clearly.

Physiotherapist: a person qualified to treat disease, injury, or deformity by physical methods such as massage, heat treatment, and exercise.

Occupational Therapist: a form of therapy for those recuperating from physical or mental illness that encourages rehabilitation through the performance of activities required in daily life.

Dietitian: an expert on diet and nutrition.

Nursing Officer: As healthcare becomes more complex, nursing roles are becoming more specialized and leadership positions more prominent.
                                  The Six attitudes of High Achievers                                                                                             Image result for john r noe

Make no small plans: Plan BIG

"You can always amend a Big Plan, But you can never expanded a little one. I don't believe in plans big enough to meet a situation which me can't possibly foresee now." By Harry S. Truman

Do What They Fear

Image result for Do What They FearPeople that are high achievers are people that took rick in life. Their are many people that fear the rick but if you don't take that rick you will never accomplish what you dream for and you will never find out if you are successful.

High Achievers are willing to prepare
Image result for High Achievers are willing to prepareHigh Achievers are always on task and never get distracted by little things. High Achievers are people that are welling to put the effort in the life to make it better.
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High Achievers are welling to take failure 
High Achievers are welling to fail because they want be successful in life. If you fail keep on going and never give up so then one day you will be a high achiever.

Image result for High Achievers are Teachable                                                                                                                          High Achievers are Teachable 
High Achievers are able to learn many thing and are able to solve lots of problems. High Achievers are welling to put the effort to accomplish what they want to learn.

High Achievers have Heart 
Image result for High Achievers have HeartHigh Achievers are really good people that are responsible and have a moral characteristic. High Achievers are loyal, kind and have a great personality.

Monday, September 11, 2017

9/11 Attack

                                                             9/11 Attack 

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       September 11th is the most tragic event and unforgettable day to Americans. Nineteen hijackers seized four commercial U.S. plan and crashed them into American symbols of the military and capitalism and shook the entire nation. As soon as it was evident that the massive destruction was an act of terrorists, everyone thought one thing: This Changes Everything. The attacks did change Americans: they became closer, more spiritual, less materialistic, but only for a while. However, lasting changes did occur in the nation's economy and security system. 

Thursday, August 24, 2017

               9 Ways to be happy and do something with your life        
    Image result for gordon b hinckley
Gordon B. Hinckley 
1. Be Grateful 
If you are grateful of something that someone has given you or done for you, you have warm, friendly feelings towards them and wish to thank them. Another thing for being grateful to other people good thing may happen to you like waking up in a good mood or other will be grate to you and it make the person fell good about themselves and have no regrets.
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2. Be Smart 
Being smart in life is good because you have the ability to succeed in life like going to college or university. Another good thing for being smart is you could help out the people who are having problems or need help in life. Being smart will take you to many places you want to go.
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3. Be Involved
Its good to be involved in many thing like school activities or participate in health fairs or help out the elderly. Being involved makes you a better person. 
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4. Be Clean

Image result for clean \  Being clean make you be a better person and you will always be fresh and smell good. Being clean is important because it tells the people that you are a good person and you are responsible and know what you are doing. Being clean make you feel good about yourself.

5. Be True 
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Being true is important because it will make you a better person in life and good thing may happen to you. Being to true to people show that you are a good person and you are a positive person and not choosing the wrong.

6. Be Positive 
Image result for positiveBeing positive gets you through life because if you are positive to people good thing may happen to you. Another good thing for being positive is you will feel good about your self and happy.

7. Be Humble 

Being humble to people will make you a good person in life and it will show others that you are a good person. Working hard and staying humble its a good sign for you.
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8. Be Still 
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Being still could make you be relax and feel the world in you. Being still make you less stress and feel good about yourself.

All the 9 ways we have done has been a positive example to me because it showed me lots of important thing in life. One example is being respectful to others and not being negative another thing that i learned is be positive and being proud.